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Games for Connection
Variously: with one another, to our emotions, to ourselves, to our environments, to a welcome calm, to uncertainty, to ridiculousness, to ideas that help us build a kinder world.
Release Cycle
Most games are released first in pdf form to my patrons via Patreon.
Some games pdfs are then placed on Itch.io for purchase by anyone.
And a few are developed into print versions, soon to be available here.
More details:
so good though, right
Patreon Treasures
My Patreon page is available at patreon.com/jacksontegu.
Via that page kind folks can opt to tip me a little cash for each small game I complete. I don’t have a job beyond game publishing, and the tips keep my bills in order as I continue bringing these gems into the world. In return my patrons get access to those games as they are completed as well as a few other rewards for higher pledges. It’s a bit like a subscription: I release one or two new games each month. It’s always a fun surprise to see which of my dozens of works in progress I’ll dive into completing.
My esteemed patrons include
Amber Autumn Faebrooke, A*, Bay, Sandbank Diner, Brian Paterson, The Shadowed Face of Tasha Robinson, Chris Angelini, Clayton Grey, Parking Lot Justicar Daniel Wood, your darling Margaret, Devon Breithart Bazaar Returner, Vice Telepath Eric Fattig, Evan Silberman, Madu, Harry Lee, Helen, Ian Howard, J. Walton, Jamie ‘Jamie’ Fristrom, Jason Wodicka, Bolthy, Jon ‘Van’ Robertson, Jon Bristow, Josh Laison, June & Mike Garcia, Karen Twelves, Karl Hodtwalker, A Second Brief Catapult, Aspen Farer at Game®️Life, Laurel Halbany, Lester Ward, Matt Griffin, Nina Joy, Nynne Rasmussen, PalladiumTurtle, Literally Patrick Brannick, Rachel Comicbookeater, Rainbow the Spectromancer, Rick Dean, Sara Quinn~ Squid Wrangler, Sean Nittner, Shervyn, Simon Steen Hansen, Stras 'Consulting Designer' Acimovic, The Fifth World, The Tea Merchant, The Wylde Sage of Venn, Vincent Baker, William Lee, and ꙮ!